About Us
MassDream Studio was started selling graphic resource in 2010. We offer high quality premium and freebies products for your business development and fulfillment your personal desires. Our aims are to satisfy customers, because “Your success is our success”. MassDream Studio are available for Freelance, in case you want original and unique works, contact us and we will do the best in realization of your desire!
Terms Of Use
All freebies on MassDream Studio are free for personal and commercial use. In case you use our freebies item, you are agreeing to all the terms and conditions. Freebies items downloaded from massdream.net can be used for any personal or commercial project. All free resources can be modified according to your needs.
All Freebies on MassDream Studio site are exclusive to this website. You do not have the rights to resell or claim ownership our freebies items in any shape or form. This means you do not have the license to sell them and to be distributed anywhere else.
If you want to promote MassDream Studio resources on your site, please do not upload our files on your site for free download, you must link back to the resource page where visitors can easily find files for download.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions, send us an email. We'll answer you as soon as possible.